40 ford boneyard progress
sgtcarl1 Wrote:Really amazing!! I'm sure it takes a lot of careful planning and effort to be able to "junk" these vehicles and have them look so realistic. I don't recall seing a "Hudson" pick up, but I [i]do[i] recall Studebaker trucks. I've also seen a Cord and a "Gold Lion" series De Soto.

Thanks, glad you like them. Hudson made trucks for years, I am building another a 1951 . I'll post a pic of the prototype & my efforts to duplicate it so far on the "Packard" post because despite all dons ( Ezdays) efforts I still can't post pictures in this thread.
Whats a "Gold Lion" Desoto?
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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