An engine servicing facility for the JGL
Hello everyone, time for an update. Thanks for posting those shots Ed, I certainly don't mind, but think sometimes I post pics of those locos too often.

I've been working on the passenger station kit and really enjoying it. Till now, that is, as applying the roofing shingles has been tedious. Doing the main roofs with the strips of shingles wasn't too bad, but took hours. It is cutting and fitting around the dormers and the dormers themselves that get tedious. I am glad that I did not follow the instructions which called for assembling the roof pieces, adding the dormers and gluing to the model prior to shingling. Instead I am working on each of the main roof sections flat on my workbench, and will only have to apply the one by one shingles needed for the ridge lines between sections on to the assembled model. Also, after roofing the first section using the supplied "spacers" I decided to draw lines in between the spacers on the next section, to make it easier to follow the line and stay straight.

Here is a pic of the station as it is so far, sitting approximately where it will go. I had shingled that lower roof (still needs the individual shingles applied to ridge lines) in place and that is why I did the upper roof piece you see in the photo on my workbench instead.

Here is a shot of the two long main roof sections, the one was taped to the model in the prior photo, you see how I drew the lines for applying the shingles on the other. The slots are for the chimneys and cupola. I am not going to use the cupola, instead I'd like to find a large weathervane to put there. If anyone knows of a nice one, please let me know.

And here is a closeup of the dormer with shingles. I am concerned about the long time ability of these peel and stick shingles to stay adhered to the roof, as my basement is very dry now, in heating season. But it gets very damp in the summer, even running a dehumidifier. Can anyone suggest a way to use additional glue to "seal" the shingles in place? Either a clear flat spray perhaps, or a wash of some kind? I was thinking dull cote may work but perhaps someone has a better idea.

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