Backdrop Height - your thoughts wanted
Thanks for your kind comments, Gentlemen. Big Grin

I am trying to understand, Gary, your concern for the 'room feeling small'. Is your aim to have folks walk into a room that feels spacious, even more spacious than it really is, or is your goal to have the layout and its backdrop not seem to take up the entire room?

I would look at it like this....if the open wall has no benchwork in front of it, and won't be seen from operating vantage points for the most part, then paint it up and see how it feels. If you get a hovering or 'close' feeling about that end of the room, paint over your backdrop.

Still, anything that would help the illusion of the world you are depicting would be useful, I feel, and it could be anywhere in the room...although I have no backdrop at all on one half of my layout, the hald that I duck under to walk into it. That side fronts on the rest of the basement, and a raised backdrop would darken the basement too much, plus block and outside view looking in.

Finally, if all the other parts of your greater backdrop(s) are yay high, then a ceiling-height backdrop on one wall might seem a bit much...come to think of it. about a mirror on that wall. It will cost a bit, but it could really make the place feel more rooomy.


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