Scale Drawings.
Sumpter250 Wrote:I had the same belief. It took designing the boat kit before I became comfortable with Autocad. I use it now for all my drawings.
I used Autocad to design the pylon for the secondary hull, and the lower photon torpedo bay, of this "Podesti" class cruiser, USS Newport NCC 2418.

Ah!! A Trekkie! That is a cool starship my friend. I enjoy Trek myself but I don't go so far as to have a Klingon uniform hanging in my closet. 357 Although I have built several kit models when I was younger. The coolest was Enterprise NCC 1701 A - It had fiber optic lighting, Deflector dish and running lights, plus phaser and torpedo sound effects! Sadly it had a run in with gravity and I did not have the where-with-all at the time to attempt a repair... but I digress.

Perhaps I'll give CAD another go. Thank you to everyone for their input thus far. It is greatly appreciated. Thumbsup

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