Name that Layout
Hello all. I have been a little busy with real life and have not had time to work on the layout. :evil: I have had time though to work on some other projects. I am finding myself hooked on it now. Don't worry, it is still train related just not work on the actual layout. I have discovered with a ton of help from a friend how to put lights in to vehicles. The vehicles lighting system is adjustable too. It can be run off of DC or DCC. As I have done more and more vehicles I made improvements along the way. At first the LED's that were used were not hidden very well in the vehicles. Now the LED's are hidden and the light acutally shines through the vehicles actual head lights, tail lights and even emergency light bars. My lastest vehicle is the Police car shown below. I have also included a video of the cars with the lights running. Think of what this could do for realism on your layout. I hope you enjoy the pictures and enjoy the videos. The pictures DO NOT do the lighting system justice. Let me know what you think. Smile Feed back is welcome! Take care!

OH P.S. this is H.O. scale vehicles.

[Image: image-851E_4B665026.jpg]
[Image: image-22B5_4B665026.jpg]
[Image: image-2607_4B665026.jpg]
[Image: image-FA01_4B665026.jpg]

TO DOWNLOAD VIDEO CLICK THE SIZE OF THE FILE YOU WANT, THEY ARE THE SAME VIDEO. Follow the prompts on the download page. The files are completly free to download.
HIGH QUALITY VIDEO: 32MB High Speed Connection Recommended
LOW QUALITY VIDEO: 9MB Dial Up User Friendly

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