Looks like someone is planning on running trains
Sorry, I had to leave for a bit. I see I posted the same shot twice, doh! Here is the one that should have been above.

Gary, my experience is I can run this car (from Tony's) after not having operated for a month and have no problems except occasional sound drop outs. This is with running the car dry, and one or two passes. The car has a valve you adjust to get a drop every five seconds or whatever. And a pad of something like cordoroy fabric. It runs over all my trackwork fine with the exception, of course, of a couple turnout throw wires which are too long in one position. I used Goo Gone several times and thought it was good. After a few years I was having problems and needed a very thorough track and wheel cleaning. Also, the Goo Gone hurts traction, trains which had no problems on the hidden 2% grade when the track was dry could not make the grade after a cleaning, for maybe two days! Starting with clean track and wheels, I have now only run dry track cleaning trains with no problems. Once in a while I use an old tee shirt to rub rails, usually turnouts. In addition to Tony's car I have the, is it Centerline? I like it too, but find the handi wipe style cloth harder to replace than the cordoroy pad on Tony's. I also have a few Athearn boxcars running around with masonite blocks hanging beneath. Thanks for the compliments!

OK, so now we are descending the hill into Garfield. You see the paper I cut in an effort make a template for a masonite fascia. I want to be able to place a camera looking up a grassy hillside to the track, with a line of trees behind. The foreground track at teh left side of the pic is the siding for Ellis Oil, a bulk distribution point.

Turning around this is a going away shot, that is Ragnar Cement on the left, a depot I modeled after a NYS&W one in Beaver lake on the right. I will eventually add a tissue paper roof to the depot, rather beat up. The trackage on the far side of the depot will be street trackage.

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