How far can I stretch the time period of my layout?

How about the transition period (e.g. 1952)?

1. Did the "box building" as put on my layout already exist at the time?
2. Did industry parks already exist at that time?

An example how that might look. Does it look right or is it simply strange?
[Image: tran1.jpg]

Some thoughts
ad 1. I think box buildings have been build at least since WW2. However it is a question of the material used. Photos of Cary show show that even today some wall are made of bricks. No the red bricks but still bricks.

ad2. Early industry was usually "attached" to the town and fitted into the street and block system (like Kurt's layout from downtown Miami). New industry starts in totally undeveloped areas and has it's own system. When did that start?

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