Puddlejumper's 2010 Bash Challenge
doctorwayne Wrote:That looks really good, Dave, although I prefer the paint scheme on the geep. Wink I do like, though, the idea of showing, through different paint schemes, how "time marches on".

Thanks Wayne. The geep represents the current paint scheme. My story being that the UP/R&N inspired scheme replaced the "plain" green scheme but proved too expensive to paint and maintain so the gray roof and silver trucks were eliminated. The trucks on the RS11B are supposed to be silver to match the official paint charts but I'm leaving them black... somehow this unit left Potomac Shop in PII paint but with black trucks. If it can happen on the prototype (AT&SF had units with black trucks during the silver trucks era) then it can happen on my RR.

Quote:If you can get another Atlas handrail, it's easy enough to use just the stanchions, replacing the actual handrail with one of formed wire. I do agree, though, about keeping the originals on the ends. Wink Goldth
This Atlas RS-3 got new battery boxes ahead of the cab, so I replaced the handrails on both sides, using wire with the drilled-out Atlas stanchions.

Dude... seriously... you drilled out the Atlas stanchions?!?!?! How in the He...ck did you manage that? I don't think I could handle a bit that small on a surface that small...

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