I did decide to change the theme of the layout to 1930 - 1935 somewhere at the country side on an IC line in the Illinois-Iowa area with an option up to about 1950 (to run early diesel). The tracks will not be changed except if absolutely required to place a new building.

Automobiles have been changes already. The engines are IC 2-8-0 with 34' and 40' wood box cars. The time has been chosen to support the 2-8-0 with the old round and high sand boxes. IC did rebuild them later with more flat sand boxes.
Another scenario would be 1950 with early Diesel and 40' steel box cars. That conversion would temporary within one hour based on the 1930 base.

Various building (grain elevators etc.) have been put on order some minutes ago. The conversion will be done with a long transition period with old and new building intermixed. Operation has not to be interrupted!

Do not wonder. I did that with the former layout too. I like it to work on the nice parts of a layout without woodwork, laying tracks, doing overhead wiring and other ugly things. Building the modern shoe box building from card board was a great experience and I enjoyed it very much. It's now time for brick buildings again.
However. I will stay with the light gray ballast and the light colored ground cover. The buildings will not be placed very dense. I will try to be as open as possible on the limited space.

I will open a new thread when first results can be shown.

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