Making and using simple jigs...
Again, many thanks, Wayne, for those kind words!!

The diesel in that photo is a General Electric U-15C and is shown wearing the 1980's paint scheme of dark green overall... I model the PNR using standard gage . . as I don't have yet that facility to re-gage to near TT gage of 12.24mm besides economic reason... Prototypically, the PNR is of the same gage as the South African Railway (SAR) as well as some Japanese (from where most post war equipment came) railway lines having an unusual bigger equipment for a 42-inch gage . .

Model railroading (despite the presence of dedicated railroad and light rails) is not that popular in my country and no local hobby shops carry any MRR items.. what items I have now were bought when I was working overseas years ago... scratch-building is the order of the day in equipping my layout... even for the markings (decals) is home-made ... Below is a model of U-15C in the process of being decaled to replicate the new and current PNR livery with a home-made decals (frame needs to be painted still):

[Image: adsc04578h20marked.jpg]

The prototype:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

[Image: copyofimg2438copyfull.jpg]

By the way, is your soldering done with an iron or some kind of torch ?

Many thanks . . .


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