Bonus Room Shelf Layout
Spent some time tonight mapping the studs in the walls where the layout will go. All seem to line up on 16" centers, as expected, except for one section where a dividing perpendicular wall meets this one. The abrasive paint finish in here did pull the little felt feet off my stud-finder. :x

I rec'd a couple hardware store gift cards back at Xmas so I'll be making a trip to purchase shelving componants soon, maybe tomorrow. Cleaning all the pictures, etc. off the walls is exciting...can't wait to get started. I'm debating on whether or not to go with a 24" or 30" high backdrop.

Also before I attach anything to the wall I need to be sure I'm comfortable with the layout height. I remember in Kelso setting the layout pretty high at first, then moving it a few inches lower. I may find some way to mock-up a section to live with first.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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