So I've come to the realization...
If it's dust or pollen that's causing your problems, a dust mask should help. However, if it's the fumes from paint and glue, a better choice would be a respirator with two-stage filters. While either can be a nuisance to wear, they'll provide the needed protection and you do eventually get used to wearing them. I always wear a two-stage respirator when airbrushing, as it removes all airborne particulate matter and all organic vapours.
We often overlook the fact that a lot of the stuff which we use in modelling can be dangerous if improperly handled, and this includes paints and thinners, paint strippers, glues and cements of various types, and soldering materials, not to mention all the slicing, sawing, and scraping tools which we often use improperly. 35 Misngth


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