Model RR clubs.
Some thoughts:

1.As far as dues they are a necessary evil for a fix club that needs to pay rent,utilities,insurance,buy supplies etc.

2.Modular clubs that doesn't have a permanent location doesn't need dues just a place to meet once or twice a month.

3.Officers..They're like rules..You can't be a unorganized mob without leadership.

4.Rules..You gotta have some type of control or some members could run wild and do as they please.

5.The layout is community property and any changes must be voted on.Even a modular layout would look better it all modulars carried the same basic theme in sections.
(Personal observation)Nothing looks funnier then a farm scene between 2 city modulars.Best put city/city modular together then,industrial modulars then the farm scene/small town modulars.

6.Take time to discuss realistic goals for the club such as DC or DCC,open houses,operation or general running,open or closed (invitation only) membership,number of members,when visitors will be allowed,setting the monthly/yearly dues?

All of this should be discussed in your formative meetings...I'll guarantee you it will weed out the undesirables and will leave a solid founding membership..

And yes I help start a club and help reorganized a club from the ground up after a big blow up and split.

Summerset Ry

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