Model RR clubs.
In Ottawa, we have at least three options to the traditional "layout-based" club.

1. Modular Club
Has officers and dues to cover rental space. Members build modules that conform to minimum specs (mostly to ensure they can be joined). Standards and operations governed by a committee of those interested in such things.
Example: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

2. Round Robin Club
There are several groups that take turns meeting at each others' home layouts. No formal rules - rules are those of the layout being visited. One person takes it upon himself to make up a schedule for 3 months at a time.
Example: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

3. Dinner Club
This is one of the oldest clubs in Ottawa and in Canada. They purposely do not have a club layout, and I think this has contributed to their success. They meet once a month for a catered dinner, have club news (many other clubs use this meeting as an excuse to get together), a display table, and then a feature presentation after dinner. Topics covered have ranged from local modeller talks to well known authors to industry experts. Officers are required for organizational purposes, and minimal dues cover hall rental and a newsletter. Dinner is $25/plate.
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Hope that gives you some food for thought.


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