What dont you like about this hobby
There's gotta be something or even somethings that grind your gears in this hobby, I'll start:

Local dealers from hobby shows and stores that handle 2nd hand rolling stock. They set the price so high for cheap items you cant think who would even buy them, and it's not custom weathered or detailed ones, it's the old tyco/bachmann hook-horn ones that everyone has. There's always some guy selling them for $10 a piece, what are they thinking? They never sell them and you end up seeing the same ones next time around. When you're at a show there's that guy again, and all you have to do is walk a few tables over and find the same cars in the $2 bin 35

Another one is Locomotives. I just stopped by a hobby shop out of town and saw a loco I was looking for, a blue box sw1500 switcher in the railroad I wanted. The price said $109, you got it $109! The guy said that's how much athearn is selling that model for. But really Athearn is but for a Genesis that's brand new, not for a 20 year old blue box with metal handrails. I tried telling the guy the difference, he said he'd let it go for $70 35

It's things like that that really get me about this hobby, some people think you can polish a turd and it's worth more, when in fact it's still a turd. Nope

Model Conrail

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