Just wondering...
hmm. Distances here are too great to make a "day trip" where very many members can attend. The distance between railroad sites is also greater. Since most people will be traveling more than one day, it seems logical to hold an event someplace where someone can make the trip worthwhile with several nearby attractions. I would suggest either California or Colorado in order to find enough railroad activities in a general area. I would suggest a trip to the railroad between Chama, NM, and Antonito, CO. It is a great steam powered ride, has a lot of old equipment to check out, and is nearby the San Louis and Rio Grande scenic railroad, not too far from Durango, plus the railroad museums around Denver are not that far away for those who may want a railroad mini vacation. Plus, it is not too far of a travel for Arizona, Colorado, Utah, or New Mexico members (but would be an at least a 3-day trip). The trip would be also be feasible for members in Southern California, but a bit further of a road trip.
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