What dont you like about this hobby
I can't think of anything I don't like about the hobby. I could use some addtional disposable income....you know....but the hobby is just marvey for me right now.

As for the diversity, it is my opinion that most of us are male, somewhat loners, don't really like being told what to do, or that what we do/like to do is somehow defective or deficient. Unfortunately, some of us are very egocentric, and probably somewhat rigid in our opinions, practices, and preferences. Equally unfortunately, that leads a few of us to be highly opinionated, even to the point where we lose our good sense and fail to merely keep silent or move along to something we and the other guy can actually discuss.

Just as the car hobbies and other mechanical interests tend not to appeal to many women, it is the same for our hobby. Women don't dream about steam engines, or building a scale layout so that we can run scale models of them. They mostly understand that we need this to some extent, but they would rather discuss, or actually be with, their children, their friends, and other social groups. My wife is much more outgoing than I, and it works out great...she goes shopping or out with her sorority, and I skulk in the basement, usually brooding as I hang upside down from the rafters. Woe to any intruders. Curse

I am on several lists where people from Europe and the Philipines post. Some from England. One person from Chile. English will be a barrier for many others who might bring some diversity to these fora, and you're not going to get many jumping in a car or a plane to attend the next train show up here. But there are literally hundreds of thousands of modellers out there in all countries, many making what they need, some buying from commercial providers about whom we, in our N. America-centric world, know nothing. There is a thriving Japanese market, and one in England. Who hasn't heard of Marklin, yes on the ropes once or twice recently, but who isn't struggling?

No, I get pretty much all I need, as I define my needs, from this hobby. I think I am well served. And I acknowledge that I should give due regard for all those people who have thought through problems in the past 70 years, those who started and maintain the integrity of the NMRA (from which we all benefit in one way or another), and those who continue to serve others by addressing their problems on these forums.


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