Just wondering...
Part of the problem of doing a "left coast' gathering is distances out here. I'm not sure how many members are from So Cal. I know of a couple, Josh "Trucklover" is from Southern Orange county, and JBakko is from San Diego area. I have not been able to meet up with either of them, but hope to one of theses days. There may be others from down here, I'm not sure. Miles Western is from the an Francisco Bay area about 400 miles North of Los Angeles. The Arizona guys are probably 400 miles or more East of Los Angeles, and Galen (Ocaliecreek) is up near the Canadian border in Northern Washington State. We have 3 states out here that cover an area close to if not larger than the original 13 colonies on the East Coast. When you travel from Toronto to Philadelphia, you may have covered the distance from San Francisco to Los Angeles or San Diego to San Francisco. Where I live near Los Angeles, I'm probably 800 to 900 miles from the Oregon border.

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