Non-Weathered or Pre-Weathered
I re-read this topic again, and something that I miss is the "pre-weathered rail" .
I did not know that was available.

Having said that, I prefer to do my own "rail weathering", but I can see how this
(pre-weathered rail) would save time and permit uniformity.

When I weathered the rails I do clean/remove the paint that is on top of it with a Q-tip or something
similar when the paint is still wet. I use a dry rag when the paint is dry . I have not
experience any lost of contact (electricity) between the loco and the weathered rail after cleaning
in that fashion. I did not know about cleaning the inside of the rails and since I did not know about it,
and never experience problems this has never been an issue.

Nevertheless this can be helpful in problem diagnosis I am glad to know about it.

Once the top of the rail is clean I do not polished the rails or anything
of that flavor therafter. Simply normal running of trains which is, in my opinion, the best way to
keep the tracks clean. My layout is DCC.

I do all the sodering and ballast beforehand. Weathering is last. I use a mix of
paint , all acryllic for ease of cleaning.

Your milleage may vary



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