What dont you like about this hobby
MountainMan Wrote:not criticism and put-downs, nor comparisons to "lesbian knitting groups", which by logical extension would make male model railroad clubs "men's gay toy railroad groups", right?

No, no, that wasn't the intent. Being a white conservative male myself, I get darned tired of society blaming "me" for all the evils of the world. And here it is showing up in my hobby on my favorite railroad forum. I was just pointing out that white conservative males are not the only group capable of oPpResSioN. And, in fact, I have found that model railroaders are exactly the opposite of evil oppressive monsters - they are a darned friendly bunch.

Nachoman Wrote:A good example may be one of several prototype narrow gauge railroad forums. If you post *anything* that disagrees with the accepted history, or even hint at a political viewpoint that disagrees with the majority, you better wear a flame retardant suit

Maybe I am naive, but the folks I spend time with just don't do that much oppressing.

Anyway, I have said enough. I am a white conservative male, and contrary to popular belief, I am not the scourge of humanity.
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