Making Room
Hi Folks,

Sometime in the distant past I may have mentioned that I was removing part of a concrete block basement bearing wall in order to allow the future layout to turn back from one room into another. I've attached a link to a photo gallery below.

I cut the wall on one side with an SDS hammer (think power chisel or mini-jackhammer) on a Wednesday, a friend and I put the shoring up to support the joists that were sitting on the part of the wall that was being removed Thursday, my son spent Friday chiseling out the vertical mortar joints (and I cut the other side of the wall that evening. Saturday was the big day - the wall came down and steel went up with the help of my son, father, brother, uncle and a friend, with my wife supplying vittles. All total, about 12 hours work - 6 of that being wall removal and steel installation. I was astounded at how well it went - and so far, no cracks in the walls upstairs.

The exposed end of the concrete was just capped off this weekend. Minus paint, the task is complete!


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Matt Goodman
Columbus, OH
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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