What has this hobby taught you?
Herc Driver Wrote:First and foremost...that I needed glasses.

Then in no particular order: history, economics, soldering, glueing tiny details onto Nscale engines, that medical clamps and tweezers work really well with Nscale, budgeting, patience, frustration, reward. And that all the skills I learned in kindergarten proved to be the most useful...like glueing, modeling, cutting, and imagination.

I would agree with pretty well all of this, especially the reading glasses part! Sad

I've learned a few construction/wood working skills, soldering, glueing of small pieces, painting (especially spray-painting) and I've learned more about electricity. I've also learned a lot in the scenery/ballasting areas as well as track geometry, how to lay track, etc. I've also learned a lot of history as I research the region and period that I model.

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