Officially unemployed
nachoman Wrote:I I don't want to waste time or money chasing a dead end or a scam - and there are certainly lots of them out there these days.

Browsing the job listings has definitely been an eye-opening experience...

I know that feeling. Stay away from those jobs that have exuberant wages for little skilled jobs.(Ex: $16 per hour for a stock person), and those "Employment" agencies with a Gmail addy. I fell fore that one once...Once.

I signed up for one, being un-informed at the time, that had me fill out an online application, complete with references. Next thing I know, my inbox is getting slammed with spam, robo-calls on my cell phone. A couple of weeks later, two of my references called and told me that the same thing was happening to them, and to remove them from my references.
Man..that sucked.

A couple of months later, I clicked on an email that was titled" I saw your resume on line". When I clicked on it it was the same "Employment" agency that I had signed up with before. Instead of filling out the "online application", I sent an email to the name on the addy, (Not nice either mind you. Consider it an "R" rated one), telling the guy if you saw my resume on line, why do I have to fill out an application? Why don't you want my home phone number? I don't own a cell phone(Lie). and I considered that he was scamming me for imformation to sell, and I was forwarding all his imfomation to my states attorney general. Never heard from him, but the spam slowed to a trickle, and the robo calls to my cell phone stopped. My guess is, he already had that info, and was probably hoping for some new references.

Anyway...becareful out there. Still better to go door to door.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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