Grand Canyon Railway - steam is back!
nachoman Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:Rather than citing "environmental issues" as the primary reason for the change, they should be frank and tell it like it is, purely economics.

I think you are suggesting that a business be honest Icon_lol Even though they are always trying to increase or preserve their profit margins, they try to cover it up with other gimmicks -

"We installed self checkouts to serve you better";
"We are slashing prices" (in hopes you don't notice the increased shipping & handling charge Curse )
"we are being environmentally friendly!" (in the hopes that you will buy more)

Now if a business was honest you would hear:
"We have cut customer service so that we can make more money"
"we've added hidden fees so that we can make more money"
"we have latched on to a feel-good endeavor, so the we can make more money"

Even though that is what they are doing, it just doesn't sound as appealing Icon_lol 35
"We have moved customer service to a non-English speaking country in order to serve you more efficiently". Rather than, "our 800# charges costs us the same no matter where the phone gets answered, and of course, we pay these people a fraction of what we would pay their more knowledgeable, and understandable counterparts".

"We have cut down the size of (fill in the blank) in order to save you (check one or more of the following): money, time, room, weight, calories, waste..., even though the product size and looks remain the same."

"We have cut the cost of (fill in the blanks here) in order to save you money, but have made many of it's features and services cost optional." Oh, we now pay more for less this way...

"Yes indeed, this product comes to you absolutely free of charge, just pay the modest shipping and handling fees." There lies the profit, it's in the S/H which far exceeds the value of the "free" product...
Don (ezdays) Day
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