Action at the roundhouse
Mr. Nutbar --

Nice shutterbuggin' there, Candy Guy! The steamers are really nice! i'm partial to the ungainly beauty of camelbacks but I can appreciate the flowing lines of a rear cab loco, too. Wink

But maybe you could shoot me an e-mail about your turntable and roundhouse ... I'm nearing the point where I'm going to have to make some decisions in that area ... "that area" being an engine servicing facility ... or you can tell us all here in the forum. The modeling of those two structures deserves a kind word or two ... Nice Work! (Two kind words.)

I think my e-mail address is in my profile, otherwise I left a piece of paper wedged under the second seat of Barney Secord's flying machine. 357


Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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