Building a small fleet of very small cabooses
Patience ... I had some "daughter" concerns to attend to, but am back at the makeshift breakfast table workbench, doggedly filling the "giant" voids left in the end platforms by cammed slides in the mold tooling to prevent the toy "horn-hook" couplers an 1/2" shanks from sagging onto the tracks! Two photos taken quickly to illustrate this annoying step in the transformation to those who are interested follow. The first shows the void left by the slide and the "U strap" that was the result of making a gaping hole in the end platform. Confusedhock:

[Image: OriginalCouplerPockets-resized.jpg]
The second photo, a cropped version of one shown earlier, shows the initial stage of plugging the void and preparing a solid base for draft gear.
[Image: StrapRemoved-VoidFilled-resized.jpg]
When the initial photo was taken, it was the only one I had filled that was still visible. And now with only nine more voids to plug I'm hoping to be finished with this tedious madness by the weekend. The fact that the platform has a series of raised ribs running across them that require filing and sanding to make the plugs disappear. (That detail was illustrated in a prvious post.)Then I can start drilling 80 #78 and #80 holes for grabs, rails and NBW castings. Icon_lol If I can still see after that, I will start designing a fixture to fab up and solder brass wire end railings. So, Mr. Nachoman, all things in their time. Wink I went through an unmotivated couple of days but have been remotivated by reading a few inspiring posts here on Big Blue The-Gauge (and your inquiry, too, Nacho Guy) and I'm back working on the very small fleet again. Big Grin 2285_

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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