ISLs ..Coming Of Age?
If it was a space issue, and considering people are preferring RTR these days (rather than kits or scratchbuilding) - why isn't N scale on the rise? With the huge houses I see being built these days, and the large house additions going up, I can't see where lack of space is a reason for ISLs. I think people are choosing to use their added space for other things.

A note about basements - I was told the reason some areas of the country favor basements has to do with the age of the community. Before electricity, houses had the furnace in the basement and depended upon convection to heat the house. Now with forced air heating, the furnace can be about anywhere and the heat "pumped" to where it needs to be. In places where basements were common for heating reasons, the tradition was carried on (houses without basements probably don't sell as well). In places that never had basements for heating, the added expense of a basement probably doesn't add much value to the house (unless the buyer is a model railroader Goldth ). In Arizona, basements aren't common. Most of the development occurred after electricity, and with a warmer climate many houses simply used fireplace heat. Popular myth says that our ground is too hard to dig, but that is BS. My neighbor's house was built in the 1930s, and has a basement that can only be accessed from outside. She says it used to have an oil fired furnace down there, but has enough space to stand and store things, and remains dry despite her yard being flooded with canal water every other week. Of course, Florida an New Orleans are different situations Cheers
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