How to Electrify a railroad
GEC: I've seen crossovers done in four different ways. Two of which have air gaps which you are describing. You have it draw right the two wires never do touch each other both head to the nearest catenary structure to be anchored along with the trolley wire each wire will have an insulator before it anchors to the structure. In most cases the auxillary is in segments. The other way with a air gap is similar but the trolley and the messenger are linked together and meet the structure with hangers and not sepperated in this case there is a funky hanger that actually pinches the cat upwards so an insulator can be inserted on the trolley wire. In the cases that aren't air happed there is a insulated section break that is inserted. For tracks that are insulated from one another. The final one I've seen is for track crossover that are not insulated from each other. Section circuits of two tracks or more
Steve Smith
1:1 railroad architect
1:87 railroad architect
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