How to Electrify a railroad
GEC: Great to see You finally got your Silverliner IV
I looked around for some pics that have both gaps in them .. Ive marked them up. The blue and red just show the section blocks in the catenary and are drawn on the trolley wire. Im going to try and do a sketch later.
AIR GAP 1.. This is the older style I think (crossing gap)
at interlocking Byrnmawr
[Image: bryn+mawr+018_airgap1.jpg]
at a former crossing switch at Bell
[Image: bell+013_airgap1.jpg]

AIR GAP 2 .. Pitch hangers air gap
you should love this one at Shore ..busted insulator
[Image: SHORETOWER+012_airgap2.jpg]
[Image: thorndale_0806_airgap2.jpg]
Steve Smith
1:1 railroad architect
1:87 railroad architect
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