A hole in the wall X4 - a liftout bridge (page 12)
I don't see a pic of the drawer in the closed position. Is it easy to get your fingers in to open it? If not, a drawer pull would be easy to install on the tray.

The problem with aluminum for a big project is that you design the project by length and size of shapes, but the aluminum is sold by weight. I'm responsible for a craft program at a children's camp in the mountains here in So Cal. One of the favorite crafts for the boys at camp is pinewood derby cars and of course we have a race at the end of each week of camp. The track has to sit out in the weather, and we went through three wooden tracks in less than 10 years time. The wood just doesn't weather the snow very well, and a new track would deteriorate rapidly beginning with the first winter it was left out.

I decided to build a track out of aluminum from the profits turned by the craft program. The camp is non-profit, so profits are put back into the program. I had about $1500.00 in the craft account, so I went in to an aluminum dealer that we used at work to order the aluminum to build the new track. I ordered out the aluminum and "prayed" that I had enough money for the project. The bill came to $1100.00! That track has been up for 10 years or better and I just need to replace the steel screws that hold it all together from time to time as they rust out. I think that so far I have replaced 6 screws and nuts.

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