switchlist and "situational modeling"
Stein: I tried 3 times sendind those articles to Joe Fugates MRH website. No response was ever given to me from those people. To be honest, I've had a great reception from the readers of this forum. I am very greatful that those of you out there reading this have shown a great deal of interest in my material.

I'm not trying to turn the model railroad world upside down with my ideas. I'm just trying to put a "real world twist" on a great hobby - that's all! When I posted these ideas at MRH, the reception to them was, well, let's not go there. To say the least, there were more "nitpickers" than just people who wanted to listen. I am always open to others' ideas and I am willing to hear critics....but when I'm told "Im wasting my time" thats when I draw the line. I don't feel I've wasted my time at all. I am just trying to share some information with new people.

Thanks again for the warm welcome!
Doing my best to stay on track and to live each day to it's fullest, trying not to upset people along the way. I have no enemies.....just friends who don't understand my point of view.


Let's go Devils!

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