switchlist and "situational modeling"

I want to thank you big time for sharing your ideas here. I've only been in the hobby about 4 years or so, and have never participated in an ops session. I have done a lot of reading and alot of thinking about how to add operations to my layout once it is running. So, I'm very very interested in your point of view, and the interesting discussion which is taking place here. I hope you remain a member here at Big Blue and give input wherever you can. Plenty of us want to operate, but aren't quite sure about the "best" or most efficient way to do it.

At first, car cards and waybills seemed like the ticket, but there is the hassle of carrying and sorting through a bunch of seperate cards, which seems relatively difficult.

I've seen switchlists before, but it just didn't seem very intuitive on how to create one.

The simplest procedure seems to be markers which are attached to the roofs of individual cars that show the destination. No hassle reading through a big list, no hassle sorting through cards, just run the train! But, having a tag taped to each car is rather repulsive to me! I mean, we spend hours on each car, weathering, detailing, all that, only to tape a huge non-proto-typical tag to the car?

Again, thanks for everything you have shared so far.
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