The 2010 Summer Structure Challenge is here
I'm drawn to this Challenge, as I when I was a Big Blue Newbie I was reading absolutely everything here, but especially the threads from the 2009 Spring Bash Challenge. But ...

As is often my problem ... so many women, so little time! Oops! :oops: Sorry ... my mind wandered there for a minute. 357 So many projects with potential, gotta choose one for the Challenge.

I've narrowed it down to two likely entries, and have to make a choice. I'd like to build a GERN structure to go along with the newspaper article ...

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... since I'll need such a structure once I get past the building benchwork stage of building my layout. On the otherhand, having been on hiatus from the hobby for twenty years, something inside keeps saying, "Go for something simple, like a signal tower, to get your modeling skills back up to speed again before you take on a big project like a big footprint factory." Icon_idea :!:

Being cursed with the ability to see both side of many problems, I am having trouble making a decision! :? :?

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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