switchlist and "situational modeling"
Gary S Wrote:Ralph, check out the article if you get a chance. It's a great idea, and as you mention, a take-off on the thumbtack system. Depending on routing, an individual car may have several sticky flags, with the current move stuck on top of the foloowing move, etc. After each move, the flag is peeled off leaving a new flag with the new destination.

Well, you obviously will save a car card, and you can see it directly on the car where it goes. But even if you don't mind your cars having their waybills stuck on the car, and the stickers are big enough to be read from a normal operating distance, wouldn't stickers tend to either stick too well, or not well enough during normal operation and handling?

Well, who knows - it might work just fine. But I think I will (if you pardon the pun) stick with either switchlists or car cards and waybills for now :-)


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