The more things change...
Fluesheet Wrote:"Particular attention as also been given during the past five years to the exonomics of railway labor with a view to offsetting by higher efficiency the 100 percent (!)increase in the cost of labor since 1917, along with the 50 per cent in crease in the cost of materials. The problem as been greatly complicated by the shorter working day (I wonder what it was in 1929...), which is specially adverse in roadway and track repairs, since forces so engaged lose a large percentage of the day in unproductive transportation to and from their work."

Most Americans worked 12-14 hours days back then, one of the main reasons was immigration, and well people didn't complain like they do these days.
It wasn't til the late 30's when the fair labor standards labor act was put in for the 40hr work week.

Fluesheet Wrote:The more they stay the same.
Making money the cheapest way possible will never change 35 but there are several things that did change and for the better, like safety because of standards like OSHA, MSHA, etc..

Model Conrail

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