Building a Module; CAT Equipment Rental Building
Started working on this module again after looking at it while laying in bed last night. I got some ideas flowing and now im going to make those ideas a reality LOL

First off is to completely tear out the bridge over the small creek. Ill be doing a full blown bridge construction scene for this area. Part of the bridge will be completed so traffic can still go through , while the other part of the bridge will be going through an expansion. Lots of construction equipment and typical messy job site will be a must

Second I need to fix the road along the front of the module. Its taken some abuse and needs to be patched and some sections repainted. I am thinking of laying down "patches" when repainting the road.

Third I need to completely redo the Great West Pre-Stress yard and the entire CAT Rental yard, as both of them did not get glued down properly and started cracking. Come to find out, I lifted a small section in both yards and well the whole yard came up and separated from the foam base. I had a sheet of ballast Eek LOL To fix this ill lay down a layer of plaster cloth in each yard so the ballast and glue will have something to stick to rather then the smooth foam surface.

Supplies to remake the bridge and to redo the yards were ordered yesterday and should be in next week. Progress to come soon!
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World

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