P5se Camelback's 2010 Summer Structure Challenge GERN Plant
As I sat on the floor in the corner of the room, Yeungling in a frozen mug in hand, surrounded by the stack of stuff in "Faux-Toe" #One ... I didn't yet arrive at what I'm actually doing, but I did manage to do some thinking about the project in front of me. Yes! (Design School is starting to come back to me) ... to solve the design problem, first identify the problem, then develop a set of goals for solving the problem ... Aha! Next step ... GOALS!

Goals of this Structure Build

1. Have Fun!

2. Challenge myself to design and build a believable “freshly built” structure that has the “Flavor of an Upstate Pennsylvania Small Town Industry.” (Fear not … all newly constructed building gather “weathering,” but over time … not instantly!)

3. Blend parts from several kits together in a logical, believable fashion (No! Not that kind of “Fashion,” you Silly Goose! Geez!)

4. Develop a site plan that will “work” in the as-yet-to-be-determined, non-real estate, still-just-air-in-the-corner-of-the-room final location, situated in the yet-to-be-laid-out town of Lehighton, Pennsylvania, circa 1936.

5. Consider photographic angles when laying out Site Plan.

6. Provide rail access for the delivery of coal for the generation of the plant’s self-contained electrical power and well as for heat in the winter for administrative offices. Do not forget the need to remove ashes from coal-fired furnesses and convey them away!

7. Provide rail access for Receiving of both liquid and solid raw materials as well as for “finished product” such as machinery and “consumables”.

8. Provide rail access for Shipping liquids in bulk as well as in jobber-sized containers, and solids in burlap bags/sacks, metal “tins,” pasteboard boxes and wooden crates.

9. Remember to tie rail access to existing track plan or highly revised soon-to-be-worked-out alternative track plan.

10. “Plant” the structure(s) on the site using landscaping materials.

11. Remember to include signs of “life.”

12. Try new modeling techniques as well as revive once-existing modeling skills!

13. … did I mention, HAVE A GOOD TIME DOING IT!!!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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