What's the deal with DCC?
Monsieur The Goat of Tin ...

In design school many years ago, I learned that the answer is quite often in the question, so let's give it a shot. 8-)

Why do we need so many different vehicles? Why not just have one with four doors and two seats that will hold five adults and a suitcase for each, and another with two doors and a seat that will hold three adults but a large open area in the rear that can hold several suitcases each, plus a half-dozen sheets of plywood, three dozen two-by-fours, a cooler for each and throw in a tarp for in case it rains? We can call the first one car and the second one we can call truck. There. Now everyone should be happy. Thumbsup Big Grin

No? Icon_lol :o Icon_lol Wallbang

How 'bout this? I model in HO. So do you. But I have steam and you have diesel. You want sound and I could care less about sound and don't want to have to pay for something I'm not going to use. You have plenty of room inside your diesel shells for decoders and speakers, etc. But did I mention that My HOn3 steam engines are on the small side and I need a decoder that's still 1 amp but is very small so I can shoe-horn it into a very tiny space. Are you starting to see what I'm driving at? Icon_idea In a free economy, the market drives the product offering. :!: Thumbsup Big Grin

It's all that simple! Thumbsup Cheers

The big benefit to all is that competition will eventually bring the price down ... the more choice there is, the lower the price will get. Have you priced a 24" color TV lately? When they first came out you needed the better part of $600 to take one home to your house and be the envy of the neighborhood!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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