Fluesheet's Shelf Layout
Gary S Wrote:I've never built any turn-outs or cross-overs so i am always impressed when I see someone doing that. You're off to a wonderful start on a nice switching layout. Definitely kkep us informed of your progress. Looking good! Thumbsup

Gary (and others too, I'm not just picking on you, Gary!) The first time I ever layed any track by hand was when I gave a clinic in a hobby shop I managed on "How to hand Lay Track," and, being only a 32" lnog piece of straight track, the session went well. I mean, really! Glue down ties, get two pieces of rail, a bag of spikes, a tool to push the spikes in with and a couple (three) track guages. Easy peasy! The Session was a success! [I sold many budles or rail and bags of ties and spikes because of it!]

When I decided to build my own layout, I just started gluing down ties ... and this time I made "xerox" copies of some templates of turnouts and glued them down first, Then glued down Campbell Profile ties, trimmeds ome turnout ties to length, took a piece of rail and just cut/filed/fit/filed/fit/soldered/spiked my way through the turnout and kept on going. Yeah, that first one took the better part of an evening, but cars roll through it like a pat of butter on syrup sitting on top of hot pancakes! SLICK!! First time! But I took my time on that first one to make sure it was right. There were no kits, no special tools ... just a article in Model Railroader (by Tony Koester, if I recall correctly) and the desire to do it. I have not spent a penny on RTR track since then!

Seriously, it is not tough! At this point I "get lost in it" once I get started ... and I find it relaxing! But don't ask what number my turnouts are ... I couldn't tell you ... I just build my way through them when I get there.

The point is ... YOU CAN DO IT! Just give it a try!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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