Making Proprietary Decals - Which ALPS Printer?
P5se Camelback Wrote:I need white decals and I'm led to believe that "the APLS printer" is the only computer printer that prints in white. I've started looking for an ALPS printer and the appropriate Ink Cartridges and associated printer supplies cables, drivers, etc. Smile
... Then I realized I have no clue what I am looking for ... Icon_idea Confusedhock: :?

... Which model ALPS printer should I be looking for? :?:

... What might an appropriate price be (and how much would be ridiculous and a rip-off?) :?:

... What is the concensus on how long can we expect the white ink cartridges to be available?

... What computer operating systems are supported by an APLS printer?

Yeah, I'm just a bundle of questions! Big Grin Thumbsup 8-)

And the biggest question I have is ... What questions should I be asking ... and looking for answers to? :? Icon_lol :?:

Alps, has been out of business for several years now, so finding one of their printers will not be easy.
The price? good question, you might check Ebay.
The ink cartridges (ribbons) are no longer manufactured. there are, currently some available online ( Google Alps Print cartridges ) but when those are gone...........
Operating system...Good question,( Windows 98, XP, maybe ME ) but I would suspect that anything in the last few years, would no longer have any of the drivers needed to run the printers.
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