CAR roofs, how to make them
You can use styrene to build the roof. First you would make a frame work of ribs like for a boat hull. You would use some .040 or .060 thick pieces for the ribs. I think you would need three long pieces going full length. One in the center like a ships keel and one to either side dividing the roof in thirds long ways. Then you would need to make cross pieces every 1/2 inch or so full length of the roof. You can then build up the roof with thin styrene strips. The thin strips are very bendable, but when you shape one and glue it to the framework, then glue another one on to make a lamination three or four laminations will be very strong. By the way Con Cor makes some inexpensive 85 foot passenger cars. The roof on the coach is correct for the sleepers while the roof on the sleepers is correct for the Budd coach. You could use the sleeper roof as a pattern to get your curves right. I think it is the 10-4 sleeper that has the correct roof for the coach.

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