Track planning
David, Welcome (back) to Big Blue! Welcome

I'm relatively new here, but I'm not aware of a solely track planning section, or room or whatever they are called. However, I think you posted your questioning thread in the correct spot!

Give us something to work with ... some dimensions, a diagram, your philosophy (Raiilfanning, i.e., continuous running or Switching,) time period, locale ... all the pertinent planning data. If you do that, you will surely get assistance from a multitude of sources.

I, too, only recently returned to the hobby after a nearaly twenty-year hiatus. You are not alone! There are several here like us! Just share with us what you desire from a model Railroad layout and then ... stand back - the help will come. This is a good bunch of guys here wwho are quite knowledgable and like to help others.

Take a look around ... swing through the Layout Section. Check the "Woo Hoo! Good weather ..." and the "NW 58th St., Miami" threads, for some switching, Nachoman's slim gauge offerings, Sumpter250's modular/nautical doings ... the gamut is here! Just snoop around! And don't forget to look in on the Contest Threads!

Above all ... Welcome Welcome Welcome

Once again, I type too slowly and three guys sneak in under me! I'm such a poor typist I spend as much time back-spacing as typing in the forward direction!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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