Need Some Electrical Expertice
ezdays wrote:

"Just as long as you don't have to lug this thing around a lot, ... "

I used to lug that thing with me, along with the other pieces of the battery charging system, a box full of sets of different spring rates, final drive gears, extra sets of 2x3=6 batteries, sets of "matched" tires of different compounds, extra sets of wheels, extra motors, suspension parts, etc. .... and do it twice a weekend! It was like packing to go on vacation for a week, just for an afternoon of racing at some place an hour or two away! Eek Nope

It was fun ... but I don't miss it! I'd much rather sit right here and give myself a gloriously wonderful headache trying to figure out how to arrange a campus of industrial buildings in a specific area of a layout that to this point, only exists on a dozen or so pieces of canary yellow tracing paper! Misngth Goldth :mrgreen: Now ... that's fun! Big Grin 357 35 35

But, back to the power supply ... must all 10 Volts come into play all the time in one application? Could you not somehow tap 3 or 4 volts for track power and 5 or 6 volts for uncoupling and the remainder for accessory lighting or whatever? Now I realize that might be a totally ridiculous, stupid, moronic, completely idiotic question, but I've already admitted to being clueless about anything beyond "green wire ground." :oops: Big Grin

I ask this question armed with the vague recollection that the relationship between ohms and watts and volts can be shuffled/manipulated/modified with devices called resistors and capacitors and possibly several other such small, wildly important components of electrical/electronic circuits, and you end up with something taht magicall does what you need to have accomplished. It's just that I am a very visual kind of guy and not being able to "see" electrical impulses flowing through wires, it's all Latin to me!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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