An engine servicing facility for the JGL
More and more excellent quality on the JGL, and great to devote the space to such finely crafted features. A 'guesstimate" from (imperfect) memory of local stations with similar canopies...10"x10" steel "H" columns on approximate 16 to 20 foot centers (dictated by standard lumber lengths?), metal frame with wood deck, asphalt shingles, and those built-on-the-roof gutters on the track side (sturdier/less clearance problems). IMO,Your thought about the "roof to the pickup" sounds good for a station this size. Trying to find some more usable photos, but guess we tend to shoot the trains, not the platform. :oops: Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

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