Tsunami Reset problem
G.E.C. ... I know nothing about DCC and have a tough time in general understanding basic electricity ... but ... I do read directions well and if nothing else, I'm a creative problem solver with 37 years of experience and I use a logical thought process.

That said, I read ahead ... I realize that you said you did not lock the input down, but you did say that you messed up in the initial programing steps. Is it possible that in your mess-up, you inadvertantly lock it? I ask because when you said, "I know it has not been locked, ..." a wry smile crept across my face.

"6. If you cannot get the decoder to reset, check to see that it has not been inadvertently locked (see “If You Forget the Lock Code” in the previous section)."

C'mon, Cab ... humor me, give it a try!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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