Operations/shunting article in July MR?
It seems to me that this system is the Great John Allen's system of using colored pieces of "U" channel or "I" beam that corresponded with locations. I can remember as a young teenager wondering why someone who built some of the most incredibly detailed (at least for the time) models of railroad rolling stock could endure the sight of some clunky piece of out of scale colored garbage riding on the roof walks of his beautiful scale models. :?: :?

I shrugged my shoulders and passed over the idea as a stupid concept then and, glancing at the title and lead photo of the article in the July issue of MR, I simply sighed and turned the page. Icon_lol

If we want to "operate" a miniature transportation system which moves freight from point "A" to point "B," then the system of changeable car cards is probably enough of a departure from for-real switchlists as I care to deviate. It just seems to me that if you want to "play with trains," plop some out-of-scale piece of junk on the top of your out-of-the-box RTR box car and run it around for a while and then stick it in a siding where the building matches the color of the junk you've got riding on the roof! And don't forget to place an "uncoupling ramp" on that siding to uncouple those "horn-hook" couplers! 35

Do I sound intolerant? Well ... sorry ... I'm having a curmudgeon afternoon and thought taking a break from the world that has annoyed me so much today and spending some time enjoying reading some of the posts on Big Blue would help me chill.

I'll work harder on it ... I promise!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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