paper paper everywhere
Voice recognition and voice control are available if you want to pay for it. When I was working in the Industrial Design/Human Factors Group at Sperry Corp. back in the late '80's, the H/F guys were serious :geek: and :ugeek: ! They were all double PhD's ... PhD Computer Science, PhD Clinical Psychology. (I was one of the undereducated guys in the group - I only had a BS Industrial Design.) 35

One of the H/F guys wrote war gaming programming (with animated visuals) at night "just for sh*ts and giggles." :ugeek: Icon_idea :ugeek: Worship

One guy was working on voice recognition and speach synthesis and every so often, a semi-mechanical voice could be heard coming from his office ... "This ... iz tha ... store-ee of Gold ... Ee-lox anndt thuh thr-ee bears ..." For some reason, I laughed every time I heard it then (his office was directly accross the hall from mine) and I still laugh today when I think about it. What an interesting group to work with!

But the technology does exist today, aimed at the handicapped, but it doesn't come inexpensively! $$$ Eek

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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