Introducing The PistonBroke Line
OBJack Wrote:I think they drank the rest of it 'cause they have all fallen asleep, Will get back with more updates when they resume.. Misngth
Shades of Rip Van Winkle here, seems like they done gone and slept in,... big time.
...And it has to be finished on schedule or there is no greenbacks in the hip pocket. Nothing like putting a bit of pressure on the boys hey? Wallbang
Might make them turn to the bottle, ...oh that's right they already did. But by the looks of them the next day.
[Image: hangover_by_aiwebs2005.gif]
I think we are safe, I don't think they be goin' back there again in a hurry.

So finally a few photo updates for the masses.....Ok, for both of you.
Yikes!!! I'm thinking that Incohol was a bit mind bending, by the colours I see here..
[Image: IMG_0755.jpg]

this is the front, with all the doggone windows.. what a pain they are for fumble thumbs...
[Image: IMG_0757.jpg]
Still in the front and the colour hasn't changed...crap...
[Image: IMG_0758.jpg]

around the back, same colour here too..
[Image: IMG_0759.jpg]

.. Aha, maybe a bit more of that incohol .....Hic...
[Image: IMG_0765.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0766.jpg]

well a bit more work required I think, but is salvagable ...Isn't it???
[Image: IMG_0767.jpg]

K. We are now waiting for the second hand iron to arrive for the storeroom/workshop roof on the right, and the lofts will be added as we wait.
And some newer iron,... (not new, but newer) ...has been ordered for the Office on the left, so I will update you as soon as it has been applied.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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