Decorated Atlas H0 bodies
I read in the Atlas forum about the newly available decorated H0 bodies/shell of the master series for various diesel engines from some selected railroads. I understand that is a new offering from Atlas. Each shell is $35.
That looks interesting to me as a good money saver to get a new suit for a old engine or get a beef up for a Trainman drive.
I used that offering to get SP shells for RS11 and SD35 and some ATSF GP38 shells to beef up Trainman GP38 of CSS and make them fit my current layout.

You do not get new trucks of the master series and may (as in my case CSS/black to ATSF/silver) you have to paint them. An other point to observe may be the tank size. They are available too to make a fit.

I don't now why but they hard to find on their web side. Here a direct link from the Atlas forum Be warned, the Atlas web site is close to down since some hours.

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