Gary S' 2010 Summer Challenge - Bridge
Anyway, I was looking at Galen's thread and that's when it hit me to enter the challenge (hope you don't mind, Galen, another bridge in the challenge).

First, the mock-up using a piece of DIN rail inside for structural support:


And a bit of weathering and ballast:


And the actual model bridge:


Yep, just a bunch of plastic strip and sheet.

The prototype bridge is about 5 miles from work. Several weeks ago, I stopped over there and walked around, took a bunch of photos, but did not bother to take any actual measurements. As for the length of the bridge, I used Google Earth to measure that, then extrpolated from the photos to get the lengths of the various spans and height. Today I stopped over there again with the tape measure in hand and took some measurements so I could buy the plastic strip. Once I made the measurements, I headed straight to the LHS and got most of what I needed.

Now, some of you will recall that awhile back, I was detained and questioned by the police while taking photos of a railroad bridge. This time I went armed with an old copy of "Railmodel Journal" and some photos of my layout - would use them to explain what I was doing if necessary!
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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